
Douglas, William - price card

This very rare item is the actual price list written on card that was used by one or both of William Douglas and his daughter, Archibald Ramsay Douglas. It is thought to date from around 1820 to 1840.

It is titled "Terms for Miniatures on Ivory" and shows outlines of the various sizes painted and how much was charged for each size.

Shape/Size in inches/Price in guineas

Oval / 2.50 x 3.00 /8
Rect. /2.50 x 3.25 /10
Rect. /3.00 x 3.75/ 12
Rect. /3.50 x 4.50 /18
Rect. /4.00 x 5.00 /20
Rect. /4.50 x 6.00 /30

It shows that the charge per square inch, although reducing a little, did not really reduce significantly as the ivory increased in size.

Also shown is a book-plate type drawing from the sketchbook. It is inscribed "Douglas - Miniature Painter & Engraver - Simons Square, Edin'r". 1

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